Bonus Wayne Casinos Token Week

Bonus Week Sixty Seven! The World of Flashpoint requires your assistance once more, so get ready to get back to Flashpoint Gotham City in a flash, or else it’ll be nothing but a flashback! Enjoy DOUBLE currency rewards (Wayne Casino Tokens) throughout Episode 40: World of Flashpoint.

Wayne Casino Tokens are the primary currency for World of Flashpoint, rewarded from missions and On Duty instances, and are used for obtaining new gear and rewards from the episode vendors. For more information on all of DCUO’s currencies, see our Currency Database!

The bonus week begins Thursday, November 4, 2021, with daily server restarts and runs through Wednesday, November 10, 2021. (Today!)

DCUO SOURCE WALL PRO-TIP: If you still need more double currency rewards, be sure to run your On Duty content and open world missions right after Server Resets and before Server Restarts on the morning of November 11!