Bonus Artifact XP Week & Stabilizer Fragmentation Duo Returns!

Bonus Week Sixty Eight! It's beginning to look a lot like an Artifact XP week! Artifact XP gains are DOUBLED when fortifying and ranking up your Artifacts. Any time you use Nth Metal or other Artifacts to add XP to your Artifacts, those gains will be doubled.
PLUS: The Stabilizer Fragmentation is back just for this week! Play the event duo daily for Stabilizer Fragments for extra Time Capsule unlocks.
(Daily Stabilizer Fragments for Members: 6, Non-members: 4.)
From Thursday, November 11-17, 2021: receive DOUBLE Artifact XP when fortifying Artifacts and have access to the Stabilizer Duo. PLEASE NOTE: Bonus week begins Thursday with daily server restarts through Wednesday.

DCUO SOURCE WALL PRO-TIP: If you still need more Stabilizer Fragments, be sure to run your the Stabilizer Duo right after Server Resets and before Server Restarts on the morning of November 18!