Bonus Artifact XP Week!

Bonus Artifact XP Week!

Bonus Week 17 arrives, this time without any hints! Wonderverse is right around the corner, with the Wonderverse Key Art and Release Date now announced! Get your artifacts ready to go to save the multiverse! All week, Artifact XP gains are doubled when you fortify your Artifacts. That means any time you're using Nth Metal to add XP to and rank up your Artifacts, those gains will be doubled.

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DCUO on Nintendo Switch!

DCUO on Nintendo Switch!

DC Universe Online will soon be on every major console, initially launched on PC and PS3, then PS4 on launch, with the servers merged into US and EU Regional servers, and eventually phased out PS3 support, then Xbox One on it’s own 2 Regional servers which have since merged into 1 XB server. Now Nintendo Switch will have it’s own, possibly with 2 Regional servers! Take the DC Universe with you, wherever you go!

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