Bonus Unstable Seal of Completion Gift!


Bonus Week Sixty! This week, log in to claim your Unstable Seal of Completion. These seals are used to guarantee a breakthrough for your Artifacts. Claim it this week, because it will decay after 7 days.

DCUO SOURCE WALL PRO-TIP: It would be best to claim the Unstable Seal of Completion on the last possible day due to having a 7 day timer limit if you do not have an Artifact Breakthrough ready, being able to use it the subsequent week! Also if possible, it is best to use on any Artifact at Breakthrough Rank 120 or Adaptive Augment at Rank 23 if you have either within that 7 day time frame!

The bonus week begins with daily server restarts on September 2, 2021, and ends at midnight PT or GMT on September 8, 2021.