Bonus Artifact XP and Source Marks Week!

Artifact XP + Source Marks.png

Helpful for Artifact XP bonuses like these!

Bonus Week Forty One! Survival Mode is on the way soon, so if you need to make an Artifact upgrade or swap, you are in luck! Artifact XP gains are DOUBLED this week when fortifying and ranking up your Artifacts. Any time you use Nth Metal or other Artifacts to add XP to your Artifacts, those gains will be doubled.

PLUS, enjoy Double Bonus Source Marks rewards as well all week in instanced, relevant content across the entire game AND 50% discount on gear at the Mechanical Supply Vendor.

This week - from Thursday, March 4, 2021, through Wednesday, March 10, 2021 - all players will receive DOUBLE Artifact XP when fortifying Artifacts and double Source Marks.