Batman Day 2020 Riddles!


This Batman Day, it seems as though The Riddler is teasing the upcoming Batman Day gifts in riddles, being quite on brand. Now it is up to us to decipher it similarly as Batman does!

Here are our solutions for the riddles!

Riddle #1

“Bravo Alpha Tango Sierra: Squak” BATS: Squawk (NATO phonetic alphabet)
”The cargo for this year is quite unique” The gift is unique, flavour text.
”Those around are certainly in for quite a shock” Flavour text.
“As you shift yourself into something sleek” Batwing form change trinket mentioned here!
It is currently unknown if the Batwing trinket will change us into the size of the pet, base item or work as a mount style, with a mixture of the latter two being the most hoped for by all.

Riddle #2:

“The Caesar 3 will stump Gotham City’s collective,” The use of Caesar cipher is alluded to.
”Show us who’s the World’s greatest detective,” Flavour text alluding to Batman.
”Only for members of my exclusive club,” Members-only gift.
”Show off with WKH/H.QBJPDWLF/DFFHVVRUB.” Using Caesar cipher by moving the letters provided to 3 letters before it alphabetically: The E.Nygmatic Accessory, also mentioned here! (Although it was described as a Riddler-inspired aura.)

Riddle #3 Solved & Decoded:


First we solved the Sudoku Puzzle, then by overlapping the Secret Decoder, we discover the answers to this riddle! The clue being Cover, meaning that the numbered issues pictured below shall appear as Comic Cover Base Items for Batman Day 2020! Batman 619D, 699, 171, 454, 23.2 & The Riddler: Year of the Villain 1. Given the riddles are how we get to discover the upcoming Batman Day gifts, all of the Riddler themed base items seem on theme, and seem there may be some minor cross promotion for The Batman movie next year who will also face off against the Riddler, amid several other villains!

Credit: DC Comics

See all gifts here!
Also, Batman Day is coming a day earlier to DCUO! Originally planned from September 19-30, it starts from the 18-30! See here for Upcoming Bonus Weeks, Events and Content!