Livestream: Anniversary Funstream!

DCUO unveiled an interesting image with what seems to be a base’s warp entrance which allows players into a bottled city area, that also is a base? What could this all mean, Bottled or Brainiac inspired Lair Theme? Tune in tomorrow to find out!

For our full detailed coverage: 8th Anniversary & 8th Anniversary Funstream: Episode 34 Teasers!

Official statements from DCUO:

2018 and DCUO's 8th year are history. Join us for some anniversary fun tomorrow, January 11, 2019, live on Twitch. We'll take a look back at the past year, take a tiny peek ahead at what's next, and go through this year's anniversary player gifts!

Happy Anniversary! If you missed this year's shenanigans, pretend you were there with this replay. Fun, games, and a few 2019 teases. Register and play DC Un...