Not What I Ordered Feat Walkthrough Guide

A helpful walkthrough on how to complete the Not What I Ordered Feat in Episode 8 Sons of Trigon. This Feat requires you to "Defeat 19 Primeval Demons summoned from a botched Envy Ritual in the Knightsdome area of the Gotham Wastelands".

Step 1 - The Location

There’s a specific area mentioned in the feat itself, so it would be best to enter Gotham Wastelands and go on right over to the area indicated on the map in order to get things started!

Step 2 - The Envy Ritual

If you followed the above map to where the green arrow is, you will come across these Envy Cultists performing rituals. Defeat the cultists, then interact with the green ritual energy. It is a random occurrence to botch the Envy Ritual, so you will need to continually do so, but as soon as the energy dissipates, you should see a large demon awaken from where the energy once was, the Primeval Demon required to be defeated for this feat. If you do not interact with the energy you will get Lesser Envy Demons, which do not count towards this feat.

Step 3 - Feat Achieved!

If you keep on repeating Step 2 until you’ve done 19 botched Envy Rituals and defeated 19 Primeval Demons, congratulations! You can usually get the feat done in under an hour if you keep at it!